Type in Traffic
People on the internet type in the subject matter they are looking for into the address bar of their browser. An example would be candy.com. If you type in candy.com in your address bar you’re going to a website whose sole purpose is to sell candy. After purchasing the domain name candy.com and putting up a website selling candy, this company’s sales soared. This targeted traffic is impossible to replicate if you use any other domain name
Search Engine Placement
Many search engines place an emphasis on the domain name of the website when ranking the site in their listings. The value of the domain name as part of the search algorithm is really unknown due to the fact that the algorithm is essentially unknown. Having a generic term such as candy.com, if your in the candy business, will pay dividends which cannot be truly calculated. A good website with a generic domain name will place well in most search engines if properly constructed with good seo techniques.
Corner the Market
Once you purchase a generic domain name, you own the traffic. This traffic is like customers walking in the door of a brick and mortar location. If you owned the domain name ElpasoOfficeSpace.com and you were selling office space in the city of El Paso, Texas what would the value of the name be to you? How many square feet of space would you have to lease to get a great return on your investment in the name. How much are you losing to your competitor because you don’t own the name and he just may.
Calling customers and saying your with ElpasoOfficeSpace.com gives you credibility and stature in the El Paso leasing market.